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Software Developer House .........Last Updated 17 Desember 2008 by. Daniel Chang.........Saran & Kritik Email :


Udang Goreng Saus Mentega


* 5 ekor Udang @ 75 gr
* 2 siung Bawang putih
* Garam secukupnya
* Minyak untuk menggoreng
Saus Mentega :
* 2 siung Bawang putih
* 3 sdm Saus tomat
* 1 sdm Mayonaise
* 2 sdm Kecap manis
* 1 potong Bumbu penyedap
* Garam dan merica secukupnya

Cara Memasak :
* Bersihkan udang, buang kumis dan kakinya, tapi biarkan utuh kepala, kulit dan ekornya.
* Haluskan bawang putih dan garam, campurkan dengan udang, diamkan sebentar.
* Goreng dalam minyak yang banyak hingga matang, tiriskan.
* Haluskan bawang putih, garam dan merica, tumis dengan margarin.
* Tambahkan saus tomat, mayonaise dan bumbu penyedap, aduk rata.
* Masukkan udang goreng kedalamnya, aduk - aduk sebentar.
* Angkat dan sajikan selagi panas.

KFC Extra Crispy

1 whole frying chicken, cut up and marinated
6-8 cups shortening for cooking
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoon pepper
3/4 teaspoon MSG
1/8 teaspoon Paprika
1/8 teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/8 teaspoon Baking Powder

Trim any excess skin and fat from the chicken pieces. Prehea t the shortening in a deep-fryer to 350 degrees. Combine the beaten egg and milk in a medium bowl. In another medium bow l, combine the remaining coating ingredients (flour, salt, p epper and MSG). When the chicken has marinated, transfer eac h piece to paper towels so that excess liquid can drain off.
Working with one piece at a time, first dip in egg and milk then coat the chicken with the dry flour mixture, then the egg and milk mixture again, and then back into the flour. Be sure that each piece is coated very generously. Stack the c hicken on a plate or cookie sheet until each piece has been coated. Drop the chicken, one piece at a time into the hot s hortening. Fry half of the chicken at a time (4 pieces) for 12-15 minutes, or until it is golden brown. You should be su re to stir the chicken around halfway through the cooking ti me so that each piece cooks evenly. Remove the chicken to a rack or towels to drain for about 5 minutes before eating.
Once he perfected his Extra Crispy he had customers who want ed it to be spicy and bold so he created his Hot and Spicy C hicken. Here is his original recipe which has changed a bit in this day and age. It comes frozen and is cooked frozen an d not prepared fresh in many stores.

McDonald's® Bacon Double-Cheeseburger

2 prepared beef patties
1 prepared bun
2 American cheese slices
1 slice Oscar Mayer® Ready~Made™ bacon

Prepare the beef patties and buns as directed in the regular hamburger recipe. Dress the bun the same way.
Microwave the pre-cooked bacon for about 15-20 seconds, tear it in half, and lay the pieces side by side on the dressed crown. Follow that with one slice of cheese.
Put cooked beef patty #1 on top of the cheese, add another slice of cheese and then beef patty #2. Add the toasted heel and wrap in a 12"x16" sheet of waxed paper. (see cooking regular hamburgers for wrapping directions) Let sit for 5-7 minutes, then microwave (still wrapped) for 15 seconds until hot. Enjoy a classic bacon double cheeseburger!

KFC Beans and Rice

30 ounce can of Red beans
1 teaspoon white pepper
4 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon paprika
dash of cayenne
dash of garlic powder
1 1/2 cups converted rice cooked
Pour beans with there liquid into a saucepan and cook over m
edium heat. Add the seasonings and butter. When the mixture
begins to boil use a fork to mash 1/2 the beans. Cook for 10
to 20 minutes to until it looks like bean paste with big beans in it. Mix in rice. A favorite of the Colonel was Corn on the cob and he deiced if he was going to sale it it had to be delicious and sweet

Axioo Zetta TEC-0252 White

Zetta TEC-0252 White
Product Information
With a chic design, the Zetta is a functional fashion statement blending portability and power. The Zetta combines a compact form factor, high-performance processing power and entertainment functionality to create a mobile solution ideal for business professionals, commuters, students and technology enthusiasts. Whether you want to work on that spreadsheet or watch a DVD movie, you can do it all with just one machine. Professionals will love it for its full functionality, extreme mobility and extended life. Consumers will enjoy the flexibility to surf the Internet, watch movies, burn CDs and much more.
Processor , Intel Core2Duo T5750 2.0Ghz
RAM , Visipro 2Gb PC-5300 (max 4Gb)
HDD , Seagate 250Gb SATA
Optical Drive , DVD-RW Dual
Display , 13.3in TFT WXGA
Graphic system , Intel 965GM up to 256Mb VRAM
Expansion Slot , Express card 54/34
LAN , Fast Ethernet 10/100
Modem , V.90/56K Fax/Modem V.92
Wireless , 802.11bg Bluetooth , Integrated 1.3Mpx
Webcam Integrated 1.3Mpx
Fingerprint Reader , Integrated
Card Reader , 7-in-1
Software included
Linux recovery disc, Microsoft drivers, Nero Essential, Cyberlink PowerDVD
1 year parts&labour

Price: Rp.8,000,000

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Axioo Neon TVS-016P White

Neon TVS-016P White
Product Information
Neon Series feature high-quality PC technology at price points for every budget, offering the power and convenience of mobile computing at a great value. Engineered to deliver solid performance, these notebooks can handle today's most popular applications. Whether you're a first-time mobile user or you're on a tight budget, Neon Series are the way to go mobile.
Processor , Intel CoreDuo T2410 2.0Ghz, FSB 533Mhz, 2Mb L2C
RAM , Visipro 1Gb PC-5300 (max 4Gb, 2 slot)
HDD , Seagate 160Gb SATA
Optical Drive , DVD-RW Dual
Display , 12.1in TFT WXGA
Graphic system , SiS M671 up to 256Mb VRAM
Expansion Slot , Express card 54/34
LAN , Fast Ethernet 10/100
Modem , V.90/56K Fax/Modem V.92
Wireless , 802.11bg , Bluetooth
Optional , Webcam Integrated 1.3Mpx
Card Reader , 7-in-1
Software included
Linux recovery disc, Microsoft drivers, Nero Essential, Cyberlink PowerDVD
1 year parts&labour


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